Cheat Sheets
Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient. It
is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X.
- h,j,k,l --> left,bottom,top,right
- gg -top of doc
- G - bottom of doc
- (num) (command) - num times that command
- dd - delete
- u - undo
- 6ctr+r - redo
- yy- copy
- p - paste below
- P - paste above
- v - visual mode
- o - inserta line below
- O -insert a line above
- w - next word
- b - back a word
- ^ - home
- $ - end
- % -end of block
- f -find next
- t - goto
- c -change
- cw -change and write
- D - delete all to the right
- C - change all to the right
- c t (char) - change until char
- / (search-phrase) - search forward
- ? (search-phrase) - search backwards
- shift+n - next search result
- :s/(find)/(replace)
- :s/(find)/(replace)/g - Find and replace all
- :s/(find)/(replace)/gc - With confirmation
- svg width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 256 256">
svg preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"
xMidYMid—uniform scaling, aligning to the middle.
xMinYMin—uniform scaling, aligning to the top-left.
xMaxYMax—uniform scaling, aligning to the bottom-right.
circle cx="100" cy="100" r="100" /
cx—the centre “x” coordinate.
cy—the centre “y” coordinate.
r—the radius of the circle (half its width).
ellipse cx="100" cy="100" rx="100" ry="50" /
cx—the centre “x” coordinate.
cy—the centre “y” coordinate.
rx—the horizontal radius of the oval (half its width).
ry—the verical radius of the oval (half its height).
rect x="0" y="0" width="256" height="64" rx="5" ry="5" /
x—the top left corner’s “x” coordinate.
y—the top left corder’s “y” coordinate.
width—the horizontal size of the rectangle.
height—the vertical size of the rectangle.
rx—for adding rounded corners; the horizontal radius of the rounding circle.
ry—for adding rounded corners; the vertical radius of the rounding circle.
< path d="instructions here" / >
M = move to
L = line to
H = horizontal line to
V = vertical line to
C = curve to
S = smooth curve to
Q = quadratic Bézier curve
T = smooth quadratic Bézier curve to
A rx ry rotate large_arc_flag sweep_flag x y = eliptical arc
Draw a elliptical arc from the current point to x, y. The ellipse has radius rx ry (major/minor axis), rotated by rotate (in degrees, clockwise.). The large_arc_flag and sweep_flag should be 1 or 0, they control which section of the ellipse to use.
Z = close path
no caps to follow relative coordinates